Our trip to the Cape was absolutely fantastic! Pelican View was awesome and had everything we needed. My husband enjoyed the trip very much….many changes since he was last there, but all GOOD! We had 1 stormy day but we went exploring in Port St. Joe, Indian Pass, Apalachicola and St. George Island. Ate at the Indian Pass Raw Bar and at Boss Oyster House in Apalachicola—both places were AWESOME! Nothing like fresh raw oysters, steamed shrimp and bay scallops!! We went horseback riding on the beach with “Two-Bit” and they were great…beautiful horses…lots of fun! Being on the Cape with the beach literally at our back door (and having the beach practically ALL to ourselves) was so amazing…we got to see several pods of dolphins swim by one morning RIGHT in front of us! Must have been 14-16 of those beautiful creatures! All in all, I have to say it is one of the BEST vacations EVER…we will definitely be back.
Thank you SO much for all your attention to details, your timely responses to emails and for helping us plan and experience such a wonderful vacation!